Starting a small business in Kenya
This blog will mainly focus on starting and growing successful small business in Kenya. feel free to post your comments and ideas.
A Resource Center for Kenya Entrepreneurs. Get the information, step-by-step guides and essential tools that you need to start and build a successful small business in Kenya.
At 7:36 PM ,
Anonymous said...
hi Michael,
brilliant idea, I am looking forward to this blog, I am planning to start a Small business in Kenya.
At 8:36 AM ,
ketertoo said...
Thanks Michael for your article.Could you kindly elaborate on Real Estate Marketing as one of the hottest small biz opportunities in Kenya.Am interested in this field becz i want to open a small biz.
At 11:13 AM ,
Fredrick Juma said...
Hi guyz,
I seriously want to start up a business but am not so sure which one has good money.
Am thinking maybe a soda deport, a keg deport or a supermarket. Does anyone have an idea, or a different business venture??
At 12:43 AM ,
Anonymous said...
me 2
At 3:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
my name is phyllis,this blog is good since it will come in handy for me, coz i want to start a small business.
there are many things i need to know about business.....and this blog will do that
At 11:39 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Michael
This a great idea, especially in kenya, most young people like me would love to start businesses in Kenya but lack ideas. I personally would like to start one and I believe this site will come in handy by the tym i set maself.
At 5:35 PM ,
Anonymous said...
thanks Micheal. I have found all your information extremely relevant, especially because i am planning to start a small business in kenya. However, i cant seem to be able to open your links. Help please.
At 7:39 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Am CJ struggling to start a small business in Kenya. Thanks for ur ideas, they are of great help to me. This blog couldnt have come at a better tyme
At 4:02 PM ,
Anonymous said...
It appears the level of my language is the need to improve, because some things I can not understand, but I still firmly believe that here is a very good article!
At 7:57 AM ,
Primafrica said...
Revolutionary Wireless Bulbs in Kenya
The revolutionary wireless bulbs are now on sale in Kenya. The bulbs do not use electricity and hence can be installed anywhere and by anyone. For more details please visit our website: Buy the bulbs online or contact us via email and we will deliver them anywhere in Kenya. Buy while supplies last!
At 12:28 AM ,
shaqa said...
i also want to start a new business, but i do not know where to start.....where do i get really "kenyanised" tips?
At 9:37 PM ,
Kabugu said...
It is great to know that that finally there is a small business blog. I wonder how may Kenyans who have small business have the chance to read or whether they read at all. The reason I make such a comment is may of the small business that contribute to the economy either do not have access to the internet, or the business owners to not actually read much business info other than newspapers.
At 6:18 PM ,
john said...
thanks Michael.i established a small business four years ago mostly dealing with second hand shoes.but the importers dominate the to make money, you either are an importer or a broker.anyone who imports shoes and clothes or plans to out there?,get in touch!
At 4:50 PM ,
Francis said...
Web design and Hosting Business.
Anyone who has an idea om how i can capture people with website and webhosting needs. I have started a small business but i am not able to get enough clients. this business is a boom, I am willing to pay Kshs 2000 for every client brought to me. business website design ranges from Kshs 8,000 - 15,000.
my website is
At 11:15 AM ,
mariam said...
Great ideas..looking forward to start a small business soon...will be visiting your site for more info
At 3:45 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi, i actually think its time we Kenyans started doing what we love and not for the money because the money always follows those who have a passion for what they do. We claim to have careers yet we will willingly jump at the next better paying job we come across. This my good friends is the reason why we never get anywhere in terms of quality satisfaction and for this reason i opt to start my own computer technology and consultancy firm as i am a computer scientist by profession.
Thank you,
StarDust Inc.
At 1:26 AM ,
Unknown said...
hi guyz.
Am based in nairobi and got lots of business ideas but lack the capital. we currently have a superb bsns plan for karen area that is tourism related. we need to rise ksh 4.5m. if you would want to join, contact me. daniel 0721897725.
lots of other ideas available.
At 3:14 PM ,
losrios said...
very informative. Am a fitness enthusiast and interested in opening a small-t0medium sized gym/fitness club either in Nairobi's CBD or its environs.I have searched online on how to source equipment locally(obviating the need and cost to import) with little success...any ideas anyone?
At 12:22 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I am in business myself and i find your ideas very practical; a bit of advise for those ones looking for business ideas that have 'good' money - if your main goal in business is to make money, you may never make it - it's passion, integrity, perseverance that count more than money - that's why different people do same business and end up with completely different results. strive for impact and you will be amazed
At 7:09 PM ,
Jd said...
Good blog looking forward to read more of your articles.I am in the middle of starting a small business in CBD.
At 3:25 PM ,
Anonymous said...
This is a wonderful piece of information and actually advice for future investors.I owned small businesses in kenya when things were a little bit rough but now i understand things have improved so much that am will to invest in computer industry.
Thanks for this wonderful Blog!!
At 5:03 PM ,
haddasah said...
hey guys seems most people want to venture in business and have no business idea, and those with business ideas have not working capital.
well for me i got lots of business ideas i can help you out on this.
on the other side am running a successful business in curios, african attires, gift items, comp and comp accessories. I spent 1M plus to acquire the shop premises now am short of working capital am looking for a partner my business has good returns and my clients are both locals and foreigners if interested you can contact me. my email is en tel. 0721483698
At 3:17 PM ,
Anonymous said...
thanks for your ideas i think it's great that i get these ideas when i just needed them
At 3:23 PM ,
Anonymous said...
thanks for your ideas i think it's great that i get these ideas when i just needed them
At 11:08 AM ,
Ajinkya said...
According to the study, the most important tool for small businesses to succeed in 2010 is search engine marketing, while email marketing, public relations and social media cited as crucial for success.
At 12:17 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Kindly inform on the procedure involved in starting an advertising agency in Kenya.
At 3:24 PM ,
Anonymous said...
This is a nice blog. I got a good business ideas but i dont know where to start....
At 8:52 AM ,
Fred said...
I just came across this great article on how to start up a business in Kenya. I hope it helps.
At 10:04 AM ,
Anonymous said...
My name is Anne.I have a business for gifts delivery and this blog has really provided me with information that is very helpful to my business.For gifts delivery to your loved ones please call 0722842867 or email
At 11:47 AM ,
Anonymous said...
wow Michael,
just bumped into your blog today and am sooooo excited about this. Am currently employed but would want to go into business soon so that by the time my hubby and i decide to expand our family, i will have flexible the idea of working from home is very appealing to me because i'd like to be there full time for my kids...this has given me a more focused approach to my journey...keep them coming!!
At 8:54 AM ,
KIMOTHO said...
i also got lot's of business idea's the major set back is to know when is the ripe time to implement them and to know what is the best idea out of the many ideas i have.I hope these forum can help to brainstorm my mind and know what is best to venture into.
At 9:55 PM ,
luci k said...
i think the best way is to first have information on what one can do as opposed to groping in the dark for ideas.look around you and find what the community has short supply of..then there's the question of finance.currently the best business is agric based,finance,IT
At 1:47 PM ,
kanyi said...
HI. I would love to start a business but lack the available capital. My first thought was in graphics design or interior architecture. anyone wishing to have interior work done can contact me 0723353304
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