Dear Future Kenya Entrepreneur
But, time is our most valuable asset. Since all of us are already on information overload, with too little time to absorb it, we all are looking for information that’s "time friendly." Nobody wants to waste time reading, analyzing and reorganizing general data to fit every unique circumstance and problem. We all want information that’s simple, easy to use and provides fast results....
Action: you have a great future if you can find a way organize, simplify, personalize and package information... over the next few weeks we are going to explore more on this stay tuned..
At 6:09 PM ,
Anonymous said...
i very happy to see those bages because my dream is to bee big bussines man that i am thinking every moment i leave in belgium but i use to leave in kenya i had small shop in neirobi 10years ago but I would like to go back kenya and to start again small bussines i am somali origine
At 11:34 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I really like the idea. I like the point of view that you are looking at it. more like the capital idea which is briliant. I would be delighted to assist in a similar project. Fabulous.
At 3:32 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi there
Im currently looking for data of small businesses in Kenya. I am looking for all types of businesses that have a Owner and a cell phone number.
If you have this stype of data or know where to find it let me know and im sure we can discuss in mire detail...
At 12:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi there
if anyone does have inofrmation on small businesses in Kenya lety me know. I represent a company in SA and we are currently looking for data on the Kenyan market especially small businesses....
At 12:16 AM ,
Unknown said...
Hello there,
Great blog. I have an issue which i hope you may kindly advise me on, and which may be relevant to others who seek advise on issues on the same line daily.
I am a young manager in a firm. I want to quit the rat race one day, so I have started a limited company that I want to grow until I am ready to leave. To comply with terms of my job contract, the business is registered in the names of 2 friends under the understanding that they are only holding my shares for me. One is interested in financing and to own a piece; the other wants to work and earn some shares. I am the brains and direct all operations. The business has just commenced, but before I grow equity in it, there are 2 issues that I need to address:
1. I need to put in place some sort of legal document (that my “appointed” directors co-sign) that says that 99% of the shares are actually mine (and that I have a majority vote and control) until that document is modified. While there is no intention for conflict of interest, I’d hate for a situation to occur where company ownership information (which is public) is accessed at the registrar of companies to jeopardize my position.
2. What would be the best thing to offer the financier? The stock option worker is sorted: a retainer and performance based payments, side arrangement for some stock, long term. Financier- I have a mind to do this: 1. Offer him 10% shares (Not known yet how much to ask). For each deal I need to do, (it’s a retail business), accept his money, make the sale, pay back the principal, but credit the financier’s account with the company with 10% of the principal (or as agreed) interest. Then that credit goes towards paying for the financier’s shares.
There's a potential raw nerve: other than growing the venture from a rescue boat to my very own ship, I would like the business to afford me some cash every once in a while. I think to pay myself a salary or some performance based payout(probably not draw every month, but accrue till every once in a while) or at some point make a drawing to invest or for instance make down payment for a mortgage. The raw nerve may be that the financier, who wants to be my co-signer (to watch that things are done legally, which I’m OK with)- in the noble interests of maintaining a healthy company- may grief me from exercising my 89% entrenched vote. I really don’t want to have cart blanch to do as I like, and I want (and will make) this business to do well, but I would just like to pre-empt the raw nerve.
Then there is the issue of my 89%. How do i put it to assert that they are paid for with my intellectual capital?
Am I thinking right? Usually, how does the guy with the idea collaborate with others, spread risk and still get paid? No, get rich, or at least accumulate equity?
At 12:09 PM ,
Unknown said...
Date: 26th June 2009
Dear Sir/Madam,
We require a motor vehicle loan - Kshs 8,192,300 (US Dollars 102,400), for acquisition of a used, well maintained Ex-UK Mercedes Benz Prime Mover Truck with 3 Axle Trailer for goods transport services in Kenya.
The business plan and motor vehicle with trailers dealer’s proforma invoice are available for prospective investors and/or financiers perusal,
ease of reference and further necessary action.
Yours Faithfully,
Stephen Kiragu Ndungu
Thome Estate Phase I, Plot No SD70, Stream Drive, Off 1st Windsorview
Avenue, P.O. Box 53783-00200, Nairobi-Kenya.
Cell: + 254 735 157 519/
+ 254 712 429 020
At 2:13 PM ,
Unknown said...
Please give us more in depth info
At 8:09 PM ,
Unknown said...
Dear Chegeprenuer,
Please send your inquiry via E-mail: for more details on our business plan and motor vehicle with trailers dealer’s proforma invoice.
Stephen Kiragu Ndungu
Thome Estate Phase I, Plot No SD70, Stream Drive, Off 1st Windsorview
Avenue, P.O. Box 53783-00200, Nairobi-Kenya.
Cell: + 254 735 157 519/
+ 254 712 429 020
At 4:14 PM ,
Woman Business Owner said...
This is a post which is absolutely true. There are tons of information out there that we don't even know what to do with it. I must agree though that information which is timely, accurate, relevant and which can be used is the information we all need to progress.
At 8:58 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi, we are planning to move to Nairobi in next 5 or 6 months. I am looking for some business opportunities in Nairobi. I have a business of medical disposable products here in Pakistan. I would prefer same business there in Nairobi. what is the procedure for doing business for non Kenyans.
At 3:03 AM ,
Anonymous said...
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At 6:36 PM ,
Anonymous said...
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At 5:32 PM ,
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At 11:42 AM ,
Anonymous said...
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At 10:03 AM ,
Alex said...
very informative opportunity in kenya are many as long as one has unique ideas.....check out
At 10:24 AM ,
Ornella Seneque said...
Could I have some informations about the small businesses' environment in Kenya pls?It's for my assignment,Im supposed to write an essay about the environment of small businesses in a particular Sub-Saharan country of my if you could help me,it would be great :)
At 12:19 PM ,
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At 1:15 PM ,
mambo badd said...
At 3:00 PM ,
sawa said...
Hallo. Thanks a lot for the idea. I am a retired civil servant. I have some available space at Kaburengu, at the junction of Eldoret -Webuye- Bungoma-Uganda and kakamega-Webuye- Kitale to Sudan. I need some partnership with someone so we can use the premises profitably.
I also am interested in starting a Village ICT Centre at Makunga village. I have 3 computers, 2 laptops, an electric typewriter. I need some person(s) with the know how in order to establish a local Village ICT. My contacts are: Name- Enos Wafula China, P.O. P.O. Box27612, Nairobi.
Mobile No. 0722274506.
Land line- 020-6006451 and
God bless
At 3:39 PM ,
sawa said...
I have some permanent building at Kaburengu @ junction of Eldoret- Webuye- Bungoma to Uganda and Kakamega - Webuye-Kitale to Sudan roads. It is residential but can be used commercially. I need some ideas on how to use it profitably. My contacts are: Email: ;Mobile 0722274506 and landline- 020 6006451
At 11:58 AM ,
Anonymous said...
i am aalso pleased by this was also looking for a wasy to package and sill information esp news how can i make it possible? any other line of business?
At 7:05 PM ,
james said...
I am a Kenyan who has been in business for some time which finally collapsed .reason being doing business in Kenya today has become a challenge for small peoples and first timers please be careful if you want to start a new business, i have researched and studied many businesses by now and i have found the many reasons why many business cannot see their fifth birthday if you are interested contact i also have come up with businesses which you can make up ,those that are not highly saturated
At 3:14 PM ,
Anonymous said...
a bit tad concerned by the few number of mobile phone applications yet most people access facebook on mobiles phones in Kenya
am a business person; but the sheer cost of IT outsourcing is way off putting
Just biz lady
At 12:26 PM ,
Proposal Letters said...
Great Idea! Let me try this business !
At 7:37 AM ,
smplcv said...
I totally agree with you and am eagerly waiting for the next episode! thanks
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At 7:41 PM ,
corporate kenya said...
its very true. Infopreneurship has great potentila in kenya
At 12:58 PM ,
Unknown said...
Very pleased with the idea but according to trends of time we are beyond information age,we started with hunters and gatherers you had to have muscles to survive,then agrarian that is farming,unfortunately most kenyans are here,then industrialization where jobs were good but guess what good job but not good pay,then information age where people like bill gates made money but they had to quit education,now we are in the wisdom age that is distribution,whether you are learned or not doesn't matter,key thing is leverage where you can multiply time through the efforts of other people.To become better learn for more information.
At 12:41 PM ,
youngentrepreneur said...
how can one contact you you,this is great work, my email address: i want to know the effects of the Kenya alcoholic control bill will affect the business am planning to start(a Wines, spirits and cigarette distributor)
At 3:01 PM ,
Anonymous said...
It`s really nice article. Thank u a lot
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